Club secretaries please send details to Andrew Buxton if you would like them to be included here.
1 CRAWLEY SCDC Dance at Maidenbower Community Centre. Details
8 SASS Fundraiser Dance, Newick Village Hall. Details
15 EASTBOURNE SCDC Dance run by beginners' class, 5pm. St Mary's Church Hall. Details
22 BOGNOR SCDC Afternoon dance, Willowhale Ciommunity Centre. Details
30 MID-SUSSEX DANCERS Improvers Afternoon with Mervyn Short, 2pm. Rawson Hall, Bolney. Details
11 RSCDS Sriing Fling "Relaxed dance" at BHASVIC with music from Ian Robertson and band
12 RSCDS Spring Fling Dance at BHASVIC with Strathallan
26 SASS Fundraiser Dance
10 EASTBOURNE SCDC Dance run by All Abilities class, 5pm
17 HORSHAM SCDC Dance at Village Hall, Mannings Heath. Details
18 (Sunday) TUNBRIDGE WELLS BRANCH, RSCDS. Tea Dance with Strathallan. Pembury Village Hall, 2.30-5.30. Details
8 (Sunday) RSCDS BRIGHTON BRANCH Strawberry Tea Dance, Angmering Community Centre
14 BOGNOR REGIS SCDC Cheap and cheerful dance
21-22 Basic teaching skills class, East Preston Village Hall
5, 12, 19, 26 BRIGHTON & HOVE SCDC Summer Dances
7 MID-SUSSEX DANCERS Advanced Dancers Afternoon with Mervyn Short, 2pm. Rawson Hall, Bolney
18 BOGNOR REGIS SCDC Cheap and Cheerful Dnce
30 (Sunday) TUNBRIDGE WELLS BRANCH, RSCDS St Andrew's Day Tea Dance, Pembury Village Hall
30 MID-SUSSEX DANCERS Improvers Afternoon with Mervyn Short, 2pm. Rawson Hall, Bolney. Flyer and programme
Last updated 28/2/25